This message has been revealed to me by GOD , the ONLY reason is because I have overcome all hatred in my heart for every person I have hated and GOD lives inside of me Now. This ability is available to any human being who Really have been Born again by our Father GOD.
How to include GOD in every aspect of LIFE ,business and Country
GOD revealed this 3 principles to me
ALL Leaders ,Management , employees and ALL members of a marriage ,organisation and Country Must overcome hatred for all people by forgiving everyone they hate, this is how to become BORN AGIAN and this is HOW GOD will FORGIVE YOU for the SINS of ADAM & EVE
ALL leaders, management, employees and ALL members of a marriage ,organisation and country Must Glorify GOD in everything they do example ,social media Post ,speeches ,advertising campaigns etc.
Everyone that JOINS your GODLY marriage, organisation and Country Must behave in a GODLY manner example a wife within a marriage ,users of your NFT marketplace, users of your Podcast , foreign nationals from other countries.
To expand on point 3, GOD is GOD , YOUR religion is not GOD and in all religions its possible to find GOD with a simple gesture of loving everyone regardless of what they do to you.
What All this means is that everything you do Must have the goal of Guiding people closer to GOD and when everyone believe in the same GOD and has the same principles they live By .We will surely have WORLD PEACE and all businesses will be successful because EVERYONE will SUPPORT EVERYONE