This afternoon i had a surprise visit from my brother in law and He was all hyped Up about a new Annunaki Video that he watched on Youtube and He just needed to tell someone and I am the only person thats really gonna listen to him .The point im trying to make is ,that THC should have that weekly live shows available so that those who need a space to vent Can vent by speaking live instead of just writing it down in a forum like this .New people who starts Really thinking for themself need people like Nova and jason to explain to them to Freaking Relax LOL and how to process all this information .Even if it doesnt make financial sense or time sense to keep talking live to 10 x people ,the thing is THC need to be prepared for the influx of new people when that time comes and THC need to be available to listen to those New THINKERS
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Ayyyye Thanks G Kong we appreciate you bro and we will definitely still have a weekly episode for the people who think high